Monday, 30 November 2009

shooting scheduel and equipment list: tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th November, Wednesday 2nd December.

Tuesday 24th November:
location: music rooms,
costume: I wore: t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.
Props: drum kit, drum sticks, ballot papers.

I was meant to start filming at 3:30 however there was a problem with the camera, so I started filming at 4.

4:00- 4:30; I played the drums.
4:30-4:35; ballot papers.

I then went to a different location, where I filmed the scene of Kate and I huging.
she was waring a pencil skirt, blazer and shirt, and I was wareing the same costume as previously mentioned.

4:40-4:50; huggig scene.

Thursday 26th November.
loaction: my friends Kitchen.
Props: lighter, ballot papers, degree and metal pot.

I tried to shoot this scene outside however, the wind kept blowing the fire out, so I had to film this in the kitchen.

1:00-1:10; filmed degree on fire.
1:15-1:20; filmed ballot papers on fire.
1:30-1:50; filmed both things on fire inside a metal pot.

I also finished my work and handed it in and then I realised that there was a mistake in the ballot paper shots. So I have to re-do them, hopefully I will get it done tomorow.

Wednesday 2nd December: ballot paper scene
location: school feild and benches.
12:50-1:00: I filmed the ballot papers.
1:05-1:20: I filmed the ballot papers burning.

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