I found it hard to chose who I wanted to have as the main artist of the group, however as I thought the singer had a more white british voice rather then a soul full voice therefore I felt Kate would be more appropriate in the main role then Aysia. Also Kate couldn't play the guitar or drums, but Aysia could so I made her the guitar player and myself as the drummer because I couldn't find anyone else. We also look similar, and that is why I think we could pass of as sisters.

I used this prop as it has connotations to Taylor Launtner's video Apologize, it also resembles the end of one career path and the beginning of another. so the end of following the dream of becoming a scientist and the accomplishment of the dream of being in a successful band. 
i chose to use this prop to make the break up scene more clear, as it tell the fans what actually happens.

I chose to use this mise-en-scene, as it had connotations from the Jonas Brothers 3D movie, i also wanted to show the band members being chased by their fans and them getting away safely.
I chose to the use the mise-en-scene of a wallet so that it is relatable to the target audience, as they are teenagers who carry purses.

i chose to use this prop to make the break up scene more clear, as it tell the fans what actually happens.

I chose to use this mise-en-scene, as it had connotations from the Jonas Brothers 3D movie, i also wanted to show the band members being chased by their fans and them getting away safely.

Aysia's mise-en-scene a shirt and skirt, to show her sophistication in being an MP.
Aysia is wearing a black jacket, skirt, tights and boots to show that she is a rock star, where as Kate is wearing jeans, a stripy top and red cardigan to show her casual nature to the effect of being chased by fans, and how she has become used to it. Where as I am wearing a skull dress, with tights and converse to show my girly rock star personality.
The children used (our fans) are wearing similar clothing to emphasis that our fans stick together and have similar lifestyles to each other. They are also wearing quite sporty clothing to show that they like doing exercise, but still have a messy fashionable look to them, and come from different back grounds to show that the fans are also different form each other and that lots of people like the Echos.

Kate is wearing a dress to emphasise her celebrity personal, where as I am wearing a shirt, skirt and goggles to show my scientist half of my character.

I am wearing jeans and jumper to show the young freshness to my band persona, where as Kate is wearing a blazer, skirt and shirt to emphasize the age difference and how she is the more sophisticated band member.

Aysia is wearing a plaid skirt to highlight the band factor inside her character, but is also wearing a more formal shirt in order to portray her character's high status side of running as a presidential candidate.

Aysia is wearing a black coat to show that her character is evil, and that she is portraying the character that is a metaphor for the doubt in people's minds, which is also played by me as shown below.

Kate is wearing a dress to emphasise her celebrity personal, where as I am wearing a shirt, skirt and goggles to show my scientist half of my character.

I am wearing jeans and jumper to show the young freshness to my band persona, where as Kate is wearing a blazer, skirt and shirt to emphasize the age difference and how she is the more sophisticated band member.

Aysia is wearing a plaid skirt to highlight the band factor inside her character, but is also wearing a more formal shirt in order to portray her character's high status side of running as a presidential candidate.

Aysia is wearing a black coat to show that her character is evil, and that she is portraying the character that is a metaphor for the doubt in people's minds, which is also played by me as shown below.

I am wearing a black coat to emphasize that this character is evil, and out to cause trouble, I chose this location, as I though it would capture a MP election well, because it had a lectern and a neutral background, which emphasises the characters more, as we are the main focus.

I am wearing a lab coat with goggles, to show that my Passion is science and that its my 'Great Thing'

I chose this location becuase the tree is in the middle of the square, showing the barries and limitiations the had befor they were successful. It aslo represents their family and close friends always being with them. However the trees branches extend out of the square representing the band gain other friends (their fans), and reaching for success.

I chose this location because it emphasize a homely feeling, inviting fans it to the bands personal lives. Aysia is wearing a purple jumper and glasses, to show that the band are very relaxed and comfortable whistle in the spot light.

I used this top as a prop because Kate and I thought it went well with the story line of the music video, because its slogan 'I Love Dreaming' and the music video is about girls imagining that they are doing various 'great things', dreaming about different careers. Its also a childs top which shows that they were thinking about doing great things even when they were younger. I chose this location because it had lots of clothes on railings, so therefore would show kate looking at them clearer.

I am wearing this dress which has skulls on it to represent myself as being a rock chick, I am also wearing this dress on the album cover to develop a conection between the two, and hoddie to emphasise that i have just graduated, which is why i'm holding a degree which isin't in a frame to further emphasise that i recently got the degree. I am wearing casual clothes to make myself seem relatable to the target audience, i am also wearing glasses to show that i am A geek, i chose this location to represent privacy so i wanted a room that was sechluded and away from the public eye.

I am wearing a lab coat with goggles, to show that my Passion is science and that its my 'Great Thing'

Aysia is wearing a plastic jacket, short skirt, shiny leggings and boot, to emphasise that she is a rock star.

I chose this location to emphasis the the child-like books, and clothing, Kate is holding a Teddy bear and reading a book to emphasis her reminiscing over her younger years, this gives fans an opportunity to see how she was when she was younger. Kate is still looking fashionable in her glittery hat and blue jacket. I chose this costume to make her look older, and more sophisticated which further emphasised her looking back in time.

Kate is wearing a dress that I made and sunglasses, this costume emphasises the fact that she is a celebrity as the sunglasses hides her identity, and she is waring a really pretty and classic black and red dress. The audience can tell that Aysia is a fan because she is holding a magazine with Kate's face on it, she is also wearing glasses which adds to her sophistication, she is also wearing a fashionable scarf and top, which shows that the Echos think of their fans as fashionable and intellectual.

Roberto is wearing the same thing, and I am wearing a short skirt, fitted low cut top and black hoddie with a channel neckless, which represents her as being slutty and over powering, however this couple seems to suite each other more then the previous couple, as they always keep eye contact. I chose this location to show that their relationship is more open, and everyone knows about it. However it is so out in the open that people are still oblivious, except the fans.

Roberto is wearing, a waist coat, shirt, tie and jeans to show that he is the gentleman type and very fashionable, he is also being represented as the 'sexy' male in the story line, and this can be shown by his model features. Kate opts for the more simple look and goes for white top to show her innocence, and a blue cardigan. They are also holding a rose which shows the love shared between the couple. I chose this location because it represents their secluded love for one another, and the privacy they share away from the lime light.

Kate is wearing a plaid shirt and jeans to show, that she likes fashion and has the casual rock chick look. which is a similar look to artists such as Demi Lovato in her 'La La Land' music video.

I chose this location, as it represents a typical teachers office. The use of the props that Aysia is holding (notebook and pen) represent both Kate and her characters in the next sequence that they are in together (Aysia being the fan and Kate being the celebrity), however Aysia is not dressed as the typical teacher, representing voyeurism, although she is wearing sophisticated colours of black and grey, which adds a sence of realisum and verisamilitude, as teachers are sophisticated.

Kate is wearing her school uniform to create a sense of verisimilitude with the audience, it shows her age and her similarities with the band's target market. However it also shows she is rebellious because she is wearing jewelery and listening to her i-pod, which is what pupils can't do.

I used this lift as a location, because it was inspired by the Jonas Brothers as previously said in the blog, also it was a quick get away for the band to get away from the fans which shows that they popular, as lots of people are chasing them. The main part of the scene which is the lift, is also highlighted by the bright yellow background and lockers, which makes your eyes get drawn in to the lift. It also shows a means of escape that most celebraties disier, a means of escape and privacy, from the public eye.

I used this location, as it symbolises the long road that the band had to take in order to become famous, it also represents that the path to 'Great Things' is a long one, with lots of struggles.

I used this location, as the white colour of the doors represents the bands innocence and purity, where as the bricks show that they are caged in by paparazzi. How ever the bricks could also represent the sturdy structures with in the bands managing team showing them, that they will always be there, as the band will always be there for their fans.

I used this location as it is an open space which shows that the band is reaching out to the public's support, this area also appears to look like a block of flats, which shows that the bands fans don't need to be the richest of people as they wern't the richest of people, to start of with. This gives fans the hope to become something 'Great'.

As I needed a performance area for my band, i decided to use the music room at my school, however this was not just because of the fact that all the instruments that I needed for the video were already set up in the location but all because I wanted the public to see the band as new comers still practicing in their school. All this will make the band seem more relatable to their target market because their fans might also have a band and practice in their schools music room.

i wanted to have a normal looking bench to give the target audience a since of verisimilitude, and so that the band was relatable to the public.

I chose this location because I wanted to a really nice and beautiful background, that had a since of normaility to it for my celebraty scene to show, that although the band was becoming famous they would always be normal people, experiencing normal things just like their fans

The dead leaves represent Kate's heart being broken by her ex-boyfriend, things are an end, the lyrics in the song, also talks about mistakes, in my music video i show things during this verse ending such as Aysia (MP) and Natasha (scientist) careers and Kates relationship ending, before they become sucessful and live the band dream (chase sequence, inspiration the Jonas Brothers 3D film), so i used the dead leaves to represent that, as it has the connatations of death, therefore an end. Half the location is quite lifeless, the other half has a lot of greeniery representing the bright future the band has ahead, the tree in the middle represents the barrier between life and death and so does the square. The branches on the tree are quite spread out representing the band reaching for more success, and them stuggeling to break the barriers of the perfect seqluded world and get into the public eye.
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