I Tried to design some fake degrees to show that her mistake when being a scientist is having a fake degree. i chose the one above as it let me write what i want and looked like an actual degree without the emblebum where as the other one just had a picture which reminded me of a posh house and didn't let me write what I wanted.
I also desingned magazine covers by using online magazine markers, The cover features my protagonist make a mistake as a celebratie as she is being arrested. I chose the rockstar as my final cover as the O magazine didn't have the protagoist filling the most of the page and had a lot of blank space, where as the Rockstar magazine had a pop rock theme that looked bright and showed the progonist mug shot clearly. Although the RollingStone magazine let me let me write my own news headlines on the front cover to further illstrate my point, it was to blurry so looked fake and didn't let me show the full mug shot, which is why I decided to use the Rockstar magazine.

In the society there are many competitions in studies. Everyone wants to achieve their goal and getting good marks for their future life. So, many people are doing fake diploma just for their best career.
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