Today we were introduced to our first preliminary task in the Advanced Portfolio. The Popular Music Research and Presentation task aims to develop our knowledge and understanding of the role of generic codes within the popular music industry, engage us in wider reading and application of theory and develop research skills and practice critical thinking. The task required us to form a lively, informative and dynamic presentation on a specific genre of popular music. Our presentation must have included a chronology/timeline of our genre, a presentation of the historical, social and economic context of our genre, the influence the genre has had on other media texts, a presentation on contemporary music and youth culture and its relationship with the music industry and finally two case studies, classic an contemporary, defining the specific genre. Our given genre was Rock. As a pair we had one member join us to form a group of three for this presentation. Our roles were as following:
Anna Chaudhry: The 50s and 80s on the timeline, Historical, Social and Economic Context.
Natasha Khaleeq: The 70s and the "Naughties"(2000 and onwards) on the timeline, the influence the genre has had on other media texts and contemporary music and youth culture and its relationship with the music industry.
Jenny Price (added group member for this task): The 60s and the 90s on the timeline, analysis of classic and contemporary case studies.